Student Theses and Dissertations
The Rockefeller University has awarded over one thousand Ph.D’s since 1959. This collection contains theses beginning with the graduating class of 2006. Earlier theses are added by request or as permission to digitize is received. For more information visit the FAQ page.
The Ontogeny of Antigen-Binding Cells, Peter Gabriel D'Eustachio
Studies of Plant Viroid RNA and Other RNA Species of Unusual Function, Elizabeth Dickson
Honey Bee Communication: The Dance-Language Controversy, James Leroy Gould
Does the Causal Structure of Space-Time Determine its Geometry, David B. Malament
The Temperature Dependence of Reactions of Gaseous IONS: Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Transfer and Association Reactions, Michael Mautner
Studies on the Teichoic Acids of the Pneumococcus, Eve Ida Barak Briles
Paying the Penalty: The Role of Punishment in Theories of Justified Civil Disobedience, Daniel Michael Farrell
Ultrasonic Communication and the Hormonal Modulation of Aggressive Behavior in the Female Hamster, Owen Robert Floody
Some Aspects of Symmetry Breaking in Unified Weak-Electromagnetic Gauge Theories, Judy Lieberman
Rapid Alterations in Rat Brain Tryptophan Hydroxylase Activity; Effects of Adrenal Steroids, Drugs and Stressors, Efrain Charles Azmitia Jr.
Studies on the Inheritance of Idiotypic Markers of Mouse Antibody to Streptococcal Group A Carbohydrate and on Other Genetic Factors Which Influence the Immune Response, David Elwood Briles
Studies on the Secretory Process of Rabbit Parotid, John David Castle
Short-Term Memory for Temporal and Spatial Order Information, Alice F. Healy
Rigorous Bounds on Strong Interaction Coupling Constants, James Bruce Healy
Effects of Ventromedial Hypothalamic Lesions on Food-Reinforced Fixed Ratio Responding, Ronald Paul Larkin
Studies on Ribosome-membrane Interaction, Dominica Borgese
Purification and Properties of Bacteriophage f2 Replicase, Nina V. Fedoroff
A Mineralocorticoid-Dependent Effect of Prestress on Avoidance Responding in Rats, Peter Gray
Patterns of Electrical Communication Among Gymnotoid Fish, Carl Douglas Hopkins
The Biogenesis of Peroxisomal Catalase in Rat Liver, Paul Bernard Lazarow
Properties of the Merozygotes Associated with a Sulfonamide-Resistant Mutation in Pneumococcus, Mary Lee Stewart Ledbetter
An Analysis of Spatial Summation in the Receptive Fields of Goldfish Retinal Ganglion Cells, Michael William Levine
Field Theoretic Models of Deep Inelastic Lepton-Nucleon Scattering, Stephen Blaha
Frog Spinal Motoneurons: Their Supraspinal Synaptic Input and Anatomical Localization, William L R Cruce
Hormone Induced Magnesium Transfer in Fat cell Plasma Membranes: A Mechanism for Effecting Changes in Cellular Metabolism, Donald Allison Elliott
Axonal Transport of Glycoproteins and Glycolipids in the Goldfish Optic System, David Sholem Forman
Nuclear and Plasma Membrane Properties of Macrophage Heterokaryons and Hybrids, Siamon Gordon
Blockade of Acetylcholine Receptors by Cobra Toxin Electrophysiology and Pharmacology, Henry A. Lester
Poliovirus Replication: Interactions with Cytoplasmic Membranes and with Compounds Which Affect Virus Biosynthesis, Anne G. Mosser
Characteristics of an Endonuclease Associated with Adenovirus Types 2 and 12, Byron Thomas Burlingham
A Statistical-Mechanical Model for the Binding of Flexible Ligands to Proteins, Nora Dawn Laiken
Caste Regulation in the Termite, Neotermes Jouteli (Banks), Ricahard David Nagin
Variability in the Firing of Nerve Impulses in Eccentric Cells of the Limulus Eye, Robert Shapley
The Structure and Replication of Semliki Forest Virus, A Mosquito-Borne Animal Virus, Nicholas Hill Acheson
Radiative Corrections to Low Energy Theorems, Ta-Pei Cheng
The Golgi Complex of the Hepatogyte: Isolation and Partial Enzomological Characterization, John Heiman Ehrenreich
Viral Inhibition of Mammalian Cell DNA Synthesis, William D. Ensminger
Cellular Activities During Aging in Mammals, Caleb Ellicott Finch
Contributions to the Theory of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics, Ronald Forrest Fox
The Arrangement of the Disulfide Bonds in a γG Immunoglobulin Molecule, William Einar Gall
Some Problems Connected with the Boltzmann Equation, Francisco Alberto Grunbaum
Protein Polysaccharides from Bovine Nasal Cartilage Interactions with Glycoproteins and the Formation of Aggregates, Vincent C. Hascall Jr
I. Solution Photochemistry of Camphor II. Synthesis and Solution Photochemistry of 2, 2-Dimethylcyclobutanone, David Kent Herron
Factors Affecting Translation of Messenger RNA's In Vitro: Use of a GTP Analogue to Investigate Rates of Polypeptide Chain Elongation, Fred Russell Kramer
The Localization of Glucose-6 Phosphatase in Developing Rat Liver: A Histochemical and Biochemical Study, Andrea Leskes
The Control of Spore Germination in Anemia Phyllitidis (L.) Swartz and Other Ferns, Eric S. Weinberg
The Isolation and Characterization of Soluble Brain Proteins, Gudrun Staub Bennett
Mechanisms of Target Discrimination by the Echolocating Bat, Vampyrum Spectrum, Jack Winningham Bradbury
The Structure and Replication of a Parainfluenza Virus, Richard W. Compans
The Hydroxamate Reaction of Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetases, David Ian Hirsch
Phosphoproteins of the Cell Nucleus: Metabolism and Characterization, Lewis Joel Kleinsmith
Corrections to the Debye-Huckel Theory, Thomas James Murphy
Inhibitory Fields in the Limulus Lateral Eye, Robert B. Barlow
Biochemical Studies of the Purine Analogues, 2-Aminopurine and 2, 6 Diaminopurine, Anthony Cerami
Some Nonlinear Networks Suggested by Learning Theory, Stephen Grossberg
A Pharmacological Analysis of the Ionic Channels of Nerve, Bertil Hille
Studies on Selection in Natural and Experimental Populations of Drosophila Pseudoobscura, Wyatt W. Anderson
Gene Activation in Early Amphibian Development, Rosemary Faulkner Bachvarova
The Luminometer: A Sensitive Instrument for Measuring Low Amounts of Oxygen and some Applications to Problems Involving the Measurement of Photosynthesis, Arthur H. Burr Jr
Studies on the Production of yM and yG Antibodies in the Mouse, Richard Charles Blinkoff
A Study of the Transmission of Sensory Information in the Cat Spinal Cord, Paul Richards Burgess
A Model for the Chloroplast: A Study of the Photochemical and Spectral Properties of Pheophytin A Adsorbed to the Surface of Small Particles, Richard Andrew Cellarius
Studies on the Granule-Moving System of Melanocytes of Fundulus Heteroclitus, Lorna Green
The Application of a Reporter Group to α-Chymotrypsin, Merrill Burr Hille
The Diversion of Macromolecular Synthesis in L-Cells Towards Ends Dictated by Mengovirus, David Baltimore
Studies on Delayed-Type Hypersensitivity Including Attempts to Effect Transfer in Guinea Pigs with Subcellular Materials, Barry R. Bloom
Biochemical and Biological Studies on the Growth of an RNA Containing Bacteriophage, Stephen Cooper
Biochemical and Biological Studies on the Growth of an RNA Containing Bacteriophage, Stephen Cooper
A Study Ionic Permeability Changes Underlying Excitation in Myelinated Nerve Fibers of the Frog, Frederick Arthur Dodge
The Role of Time Variant Resistance and Electromotive Force in Ionic Systems Related to Cell Membranes: The Excitabilty Properties of Frog Skin and Toad Bladder, Alan Finkelstein A.B.
Animal and Plant Viruses with Double-Stranded Ribonucleic Acid, Peter Gomatos
The Chemical Synthesis of Model Catalysts Related to Enzymes, John William Baker Hershey
Genetic Recombination in Pneumococcal Transformation: The Role of Integrity and Heterogeneity of Deoxyribonucleate Molecules, as Reflected in Kinetic Analysis, Joan Louise Kent
Comparison of the Protein Contents of Bovine Zymogen Granules and of Pancreatic Juice, Lewis Joel Greene
Studies on the Chemistry of Human Hemoglobin, Guido Guidotti
The Inactivation of Neurohypophyseal Hormones by the Toad Bladder, Arthur Karlin
The Biology of a Colonial Hydroid, Chandler Montgomery Fulton
Enzymatic Sulfurylation Mechanisms, Irving Hyman Goldberg