Most of the books in the Markus Library Rare Book Collection were bequeathed by Alfred Einstein Cohn (1879-1957), emeritus of The Rockefeller Institute, one of the first cardiologists in the U.S., a scholar whose interests encompassed many fields and earned his high regard in the world of culture.
The scope of the collection is broad, encompassing the humanities, medicine, and natural history, including botany, agriculture, and geography.
Dr. Cohn's rare volumes of scientific and medical interest, published in 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries, include some of the major works of many of the great names in the history of medical science, often in the first editions: Celsus, Thomas Bartholinus, G. Borelli, Malpighi, Leuwenhoek, Richard Lower, Mead, and many others.
Swinton, Andrew
The Rockefeller University
Swinton, Andrew. Travels into Norway, Denmark, and Russia, in the years 1788, 1789, 1790, and 1791
Subjects: Europe, Northern -- Description and travel -- Early works to 1800.
Northern Europe.
Language: English
Sydenham, George Francis
The Rockefeller University
Sydenham, George Francis. The history of the Sydenham family, 1928
Subjects: Sydenham family
Notes: Three hundred copies printed of which this is no. 9
Language: English
Sydenham, Thomas
The Rockefeller University
Sydenham, Thomas. Opera universa, 1741
Subjects: Medicine – Early works to 1800
Language: English
Sydenham, Thomas
The Rockefeller University
Sydenham, Thomas. Opera medica, 1723
Subjects: Medicine – Early works to 1800
Notes: 2 volumes
Language: Latin
The works of William Cullen, M.D
The Rockefeller University
The works of William Cullen, M.D.: containing his physiology, nosology, and first lines of the practice of physic: with numerous extracts from his manuscript papers, and from his treatise of the materia medica / edited by John Thomson, 1827
Subjects: William Cullen (1710-1790)
Medicine, Physiology
Notes: In two volumes
Language: English
Summary: John Thomson, the biographer of the Scottish physician and chemist William Cullen (1710-1790), published an edited collection of Cullen's works in two volumes (1827). It contains most of Cullen's published works, supplemented with a great number of extracts from Cullen's own hand (lecture notes, unpublished essays, etc).
Traitté de l'angejologie, ou Discours des vaisseaux
The Rockefeller University
Traitté de l'angejologie, ou Discours des vaisseaux by Par J.B. D. L. G.
Language: Latin
Van Swieten, Gerardi B. de
The Rockefeller University
Van Swieten, Gerardi B. de. Commentaria in omnes aphorismos Hermanni Boerhaave de cognoscendis et curandis morbis, 1744-1773
In five volumes
Subjects: Medicine--Early works to 1800
Language: Latin
Virchow, Rudolf
The Rockefeller University
Virchow, Rudolf. Gesammelte Abhandlungen zur wissenschaftlichen Medicin, 1856
Subjects: Medicine
Language: German
Virchow, Rudolf
The Rockefeller University
Virchow, Rudolf. Die Cellularpathologie in ihrer Begründung auf physiologische und pathologische Gewebelehre: Zwanzig Vorlesungen, 1858
Subjects: Pathology, Cellular
Notes: Advertisements: p. [1]-27, [1], and on back cover
Language: German
Vopiscus Fortunatus Plempius
The Rockefeller University
Vopiscus Fortunatus Plempius. Vopiscus Fortunatus Plempius ... de fundamentis medicinuæ libri sex, acribologia scholastica accurati, 1644
Subjects:Medicine - Early works to 1800
Language: Latin
Walpole, Horace
The Rockefeller University
Walpole, Horace. Memoirs of the Reign of King George the Second, 1822
Subjects: Great Britain – History – George II, 1727-1760
Notes: In two volumes. Reprinted without additions by Colburn, London, 1846, in 3 v.
Language: English
Webster, Noah
The Rockefeller University
Webster, Noah. A brief history of epidemic and pestilential diseases, with the principal phenomena of the physical world which precede and accompany them and observations deduced from the facts stated, 1799
Subjects: Epidemics – History
Notes: First edition in two volumes
Language: English
Wotton, William
The Rockefeller University
Wotton, William. Reflections upon ancient and modern learning, 1697
Subjects: Learning and scholarship
Philosophy - History
Notes: 2d. edition with large additions
Language: English
The Rockefeller University
Xenophon. Cyrupaedia: the institution and life of Cyrus, the first of that name, king of Persians: eight bookes, treating of noble education, of princely exercises, military discipline, vvarlike stratagems, preparations and expeditions, 1632
Subjects: Cyrus – the Great, King of Persia – 530 B.C. or 529 B. C.
Iran – History – To 640
Notes: Translated out of Greek into English, and conferred with the Latine and French translations by Philemon Holland
Language: English