Most of the books in the Markus Library Rare Book Collection were bequeathed by Alfred Einstein Cohn (1879-1957), emeritus of The Rockefeller Institute, one of the first cardiologists in the U.S., a scholar whose interests encompassed many fields and earned his high regard in the world of culture.
The scope of the collection is broad, encompassing the humanities, medicine, and natural history, including botany, agriculture, and geography.
Dr. Cohn's rare volumes of scientific and medical interest, published in 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries, include some of the major works of many of the great names in the history of medical science, often in the first editions: Celsus, Thomas Bartholinus, G. Borelli, Malpighi, Leuwenhoek, Richard Lower, Mead, and many others.
Priestley, Joseph
The Rockefeller University
Priestley, Joseph. A description of a system of biography: with a catalogue of all the names inserted in it, and the dates annexed to them, 1803
Subjects: Chronology, Historical
Notes: First American edition
Language: English
Priestley, Joseph
The Rockefeller University
Priestley, Joseph. Memoirs of the Rev. Dr. Joseph Priestley to the Year 1795: Written by Himself, 1833
Subjects: Joseph Priestly
Language: English
Priestley, Joseph
The Rockefeller University
Priestley, Joseph. Experiments and observations on different kinds of air, and other branches of natural philosophy, connected with the subject, 1790
Subjects: Chemistry - Early works to 1800
Notes: Includes index. "Being the former six volumes abridged and methodized, with many additions."
Language: English
Primerose, James
The Rockefeller University
Primerose, James. Enchiridion medicum, sive: Brevissimum medicinae systema, 1650
Subjects: Medicine – Early works to 1800
Language: Latin
Pringle, John
The Rockefeller University
Pringle, John. Six discourses, 1783
Subjects: Pringle, John, - Sir – 1707-1782
Air – Early works to 1800
Notes: delivered by John Pringle ... [before] the Royal Society on the occasion of six annual assignments of Sir Godfrey Copley's medal. To which is prefixed the Life of the author, by Andrew Kippis
Language: English
Quintilianus, Marcus Fabius
The Rockefeller University
Quintilianus, Marcus Fabius M. Fabii Quinctiliani De institutione oratoria libri duodecim: cum duplice indice, 1693
Full text
Subjects: Rhetoric, Ancient
Oratory, Ancient
Language: Latin
Riolan, Jean
The Rockefeller University
Riolan, Jean. Encheiridium anatomicum et pathologicum, in quo, ex naturali constitutione partium, recessus a naturali statu demonstratur: ad usum theatri anatomici adornatum ... Cum triplici indice, tractatuum, capitum, ac rerum, accuratissimo, 1649
Subjects: Human Anatomy – Early works to 1800
Pathology – Early works to 1800
Language: Latin
Summary: Riolan, Jean, Jr.was a trained anatomist and dissector and emphasized the superiority of active anatomical observation over long reading and profound meditations. Like his father, he was a stern defender of traditional medicine and declared himself an enemy to chemical healers. He established his reputation through a series of textbooks, the most important being the second edition of Anthropographia (1626). These works reveal a mastery of original observation and of the classical and modern literature. In his later Encheiridium (1648) he included a systematic presentation of both morbid and normal anatomy. Though in his later years he tried to accept new discoveries, he continually tried to uphold Galenic medicine and opposed the anatomical interpretations of Pecquet, Bartholin, and Harvey.
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
The Rockefeller University
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. Considérations sur le gouvernement de Pologne et sur sa réformation projetée; et Lettres sur la législation de la Corse, dans lesquelles tous les souverains trouveront des choses utiles, 1783
Subjects: Poland
Language: French
Sacco, Pompeo
The Rockefeller University
Sacco, Pompeo. Medicina theorico-practica ad saniorem sæculi mentem centenis, et ultra consultationibus digesta, quibus pene omnium abditæ morborum causæ illustrantur, atque præconceptis inhærendo principijs, optima ex optionis congeruntur medicamenta ad præfinitam morborum ideam studiose concinnata, 1686
Subjects: Medicine – Early works to 1800
Language: Latin
Sammlung von Meinungen, die Wunder-Regen betreffend
The Rockefeller University
Sammlung von Meinungen grosser Gelehrten die Wunder-Regen betreffend bey Gelegenheit des in Ulm und anderwärts den 15. Nov. dieses laufenden Jahrs gefallenen Blut- und Korn-Regens herausgegeben, 1755
Language: German
Sanctorius, Sanctorio, Timmius, Johannes
The Rockefeller University
Sanctorius, Sanctorio; Johannes Timmius. Joh. Timmii Transpiratio Sanctoriana, notis et animadversionibus perpetuis, aucta [et] illustrata, oder des berühmten Medici Sanctorii à Sanctorio Tractat von der unempfindlichen Ausdünstung: aus dem Lateinischen ins Teutsche übersetzet und durchgehends mit Anmerckungen vermehret und erläutert, 1736
Subjects: Medicine – Early works to 1800
Language: German
Schwann von, Theodor
The Rockefeller University
Schwann von, Theodor.
Subjects: Cells
Language: German
Sharp, Samuel
The Rockefeller University
Sharp, Samuel. Letters from Italy, describing the customs and manners of that country in the years 1765, and 1766. To which is annexed, an admonition to gentlemen who pass the Alps, in their tour through Italy, 1766
Subject: Italy - Social life and customs
Travel, Italy
Language: English
Shaw, Peter
The Rockefeller University
Shaw, Peter. Chemical Lectures publickly read at London in the years 1731, and 1732; and since at Scarborough, in 1733, for the improvement of arts, trades, and natural philosophy, [1734]
Notes: First edition
Language: English
Sherwin, Henry
The Rockefeller University
Sherwin, Henry. Mathematical tables contrived after a most comprehensive method: viz, a table of logarithms, from 1 to 101000. To which is added (upon the same page) the differences and proportional parts, whereby the logarithm of any number under 10,000,000 may be easily found. Tables of natural sines, tangents, and secants ... Tables of natural versed sines ... With their construction and use. By Mr. Briggs, Dr. Wallis, Mr. Halley [and] Mr. Abr. Sharp. The whole being more correct and compleat than any tables extant, 1726
Subjects: Mathematics - Tables
Language: English
Silliman, Benjamin
The Rockefeller University
Silliman, Benjamin. A journal of travels in England, Holland, and Scotland, and of two passages over the Atlantic, in the years 1805 and 1806
Subjects: Great Britain -- Description and travel.
Netherlands -- Description and travel
Notes: Second edition. In three volumes
Language: English
Sprat, Thomas
The Rockefeller University
Sprat, Thomas. The History of the Royal Society of London for the improving of natural knowledge, 1722
Subjects: Royal society
Notes: The third edition, corrected. [With verses addressed to the Society, by A. Cowley]
Language: English
Sprat, Thomas
The Rockefeller University
Sprat, Thomas. The history of the Royal Society of London for the improving of natural knowledge, 1667
Subjects: Royal society
Notes: First edition
Language: English
Format: Books
Summary: Thomas Sprat (1635-1713) was bishop of Rochester, Dean of Westminster, and a leading Tory and High-Churchman. He was also wit and man of letters with an interest in natural science, and (in addition to being a member himself) was also friends with many of the founding members of the Royal Society, including Christopher Wren and Ralph Bathurst. He was thus well-placed to write the early history of the oldest scientific society in the British Isles and one of the oldest in Europe-therein especially defending the Society against the attacks of those philosophers who questioned the value of experimental science. The work is divided into three parts. The first section is a historical overview of natural philosophy that Spratt orders under three main schools: the scholastics or Aristotelians, those who renounced the authority of Aristotle and the 'Modern Experimenters'. The second group he criticized on the grounds that it is not enough, that the Tyrant is changed: but the Tyranny itself must be wholly taken away. This, in his view, was the function of the Royal Society, inspired by the works of Francis Bacon, and the second part of the book is devoted to outlining the Society's aims and methods. This includes a list of the scientific instruments invented by its members (pp.246-51) and some examples of their writings on diverse subjects, including the making of dye and the study of oysters. Whereas this second part was intended to counter the charges of those who saw the Society's output as too limited, the third part addressed the concerns of those who thought that its work undermined the fabric of society: Spratt argues that the experimental method 'cannot injure the Virtue, or Wisdom of Men’s Minds.
Spurzheim, J. G.
The Rockefeller University
Spurzheim, J. G. (Johann Gaspar). Phrenology, in Connexion with the Study of Physiognomy: Illustration of Characters, 1833
Subjects: Phrenology
Notes: First American edition
Language: English
Sterne, Laurence
The Rockefeller University
Sterne, Laurence. The works of Laurence Sterne. In eight volumes complete. Containing: I Tristram Shandy, and the political romance. II sentimental journey, with the continuation. III the Koran… IV letters ... V sermons. With an account of the life and writings of the author, 1790
Subjects: Sterne, Laurence, 1713-1768
Language: English