Most of the books in the Markus Library Rare Book Collection were bequeathed by Alfred Einstein Cohn (1879-1957), emeritus of The Rockefeller Institute, one of the first cardiologists in the U.S., a scholar whose interests encompassed many fields and earned his high regard in the world of culture.
The scope of the collection is broad, encompassing the humanities, medicine, and natural history, including botany, agriculture, and geography.
Dr. Cohn's rare volumes of scientific and medical interest, published in 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries, include some of the major works of many of the great names in the history of medical science, often in the first editions: Celsus, Thomas Bartholinus, G. Borelli, Malpighi, Leuwenhoek, Richard Lower, Mead, and many others.
The Rockefeller University
Aesop. Fabulae Aesopi Graecè & Latinè, nunc denuo selectae: ea item, quas Avienus carmine expressit.Utrecht, widow of Jurriaen Poolsom, 1685
Rare Greek and Latin school edition of Aesop, with the same contents and 47 woodcuts as the 1685 edition published by Jurriaen Poolsum in Utrecht (Bodemann 65.4), one of the many editions based on the original Heinsius school edition of 1626, published by Johannes Maire in Leiden with a woodcut series by Christoffel van Sichem II (ca. 1577-1658).
Subjects: Aesop
Language: Latin
Aikin, John
The Rockefeller University
Aikin, John. A view of the life, travels, and philanthropic labors of the late John Howard, 1794
Subjects: Howard, John (1726-1790)
Social welfare, prisons
Notes: "Ode inscribed to John Howard... by William Hayley ... Philadelphia ... 1794": p.[167]-185, has separate t.p.
Language: English
Albites Limano, Evaristo
The Rockefeller University
Albites Limano, Evarist. De consequenda, et producenda senectute disquisitio, 1790
Subjects: Medicine – Early works to 1800
Language: Latin
Aldini, Giavanni
The Rockefeller University
Aldini, Giavanni. Essai Théorique Et Expérimental Sur Le Galvanisme: Avec Une Série D'Expériences Faites En Présence Des Commissaires De L'Institut National De France, Et En Divers Amphithéatres Anatomiques De Londres; Avec Planches Tome Premier, [1804]
Subjects: Electricity – Early works to 1850
Notes: First edition
Language: French
Allionio, Carolo
The Rockefeller University
Allionio, Carol. Tractatio de miliarium origine, progressu, natura et curatione, auctore Carolo Allionio, 1792
Subjects: Medicine – Early works to 1800
Language: Latin
Ampère, André-Marie
The Rockefeller University
Ampère, André-Mari. Essai sur la philosophie des sciences, ou, Exposition analytique d'une classification naturelle de toutes les connaissances humaines, 1856
Subjects: Science – Philosophy
Notes: First edition in 2 volumes
Language: French
This work remained the most complete inventory of scientific knowledge for the mid-nineteenth century. Ampère (1775-1836), a French physicist and mathematician famous for his contributions to the science of electromagnetism, considered this work his most important and the culmination of his career.
Anderson, Aeneas
The Rockefeller University
Anderson, Aeneas. A narrative of the British embassy to China, in the years 1792, 1793, and 1794; containing the various circumstances of the embassy; with accounts of the customs and manners of the Chinese, 1795
Subjects: History, Social Sciences
Language: English
Aubry, Jean François
The Rockefeller University
Aubry, Jean François. Les oracles de Cos: ouvrage intéressant pour les jeunes médecins, utile aux chirurgiens, curés, ou autres ayant charge d'ames, & curieux pour tout lecteur capable d'une attention raisonnable, 1781
Subject: Medicine
Language: French
Augustini, Antonius
The Rockefeller University
Augustini, Antonius. Observationes epidemicorum qui ab anno 1747. usque ad annum 1757. grassati sunt, 1758
Subjects: Disease Outbreaks – 18thcentury
Language: Latin
Avenarius, Richard
The Rockefeller University
Avenarius, Richard. Philosophie als Denken der Welt gemäss dem Princip des Kleinsten kraftmasse. Prolegomena zu einer Kritik der reinen Erfahrung., 1876
Subjects: Knowledge, Theory of.
Notes: Habilitationsschrift--Leipzig.
Language: German
Babbage, Charles
The Rockefeller University
Babbage, Charles. The ninth Bridgewater treatise, 1841
Subjects: theology
Notes: First American edition
Language: English
Summary: Charles Babbage (1791-1871) was an English mathematician, philosopher and mechanical engineer who invented the concept of the programmable computer. From 1828 to 1839 he was Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge, a position whose holders have included Isaac Newton and Stephen Hawking. A proponent of natural religion, he published The Ninth Bridgewater Treatise in 1837 as his personal response to The Bridgewater Treatises, a series of books on theology and science that had recently appeared. He argues on the basis of reason and experience alone, drawing a parallel between his work on the calculating engine and God as the divine programmer of the universe. Eloquently written, and underpinned by mathematical arguments, The Ninth Bridgewater Treatise is a landmark work of natural theology.
Bacon, Francis
The Rockefeller University
Bacon, Francis. Of the Advancement and Proficience of Learning, 1640
Subjects: Logic – Early works to 1800
Science – Methodology – Early works to 1800
Language: English
Baillie, Matthew
The Rockefeller University
Baillie, Matthew. The morbid anatomy of some of the most important parts of the human body, 1820
Subjects: Pathology - Eealy works to 1800
Pathologic Processes, Signs and Symptoms
Notes: Third American edition
Language: English
Summary: The Morbid Anatomy of Some of the Most Important Parts of the Human Body is considered the first systematic study of pathology and the first publication in English on pathology as a separate subject.
Bartholin, Thomas
The Rockefeller University
Bartholin, Thomas. Institutions anatomiques, 1647
Subjects: Anatomy – Early works to 1800
Notes: With an additional, engraved, title page
Language: French
Beaumont, William
The Rockefeller University
Beaumont, William. Experiments and observations on the gastric juice, and the physiology of digestion, 1833
Subjects: Digestion
Gastric Juice
Wounds, gunshot
Notes:This edition was reissued in Boston in 1834. The second American edition was published in 1847 under the title: The physiology of digestion, with experiments on the gastric juice
Language: English
Berger, Ernst Hugo
The Rockefeller University
Berger, Ernst Hugo. Geschichte der wissenschaftlichen Erdkunde der Griechen, 1887
Subjects: Geography - History
Notes: 1. Abt. Die Geographie der Jonier.--2. Abt. Die Vorbereitungen für die Geographie der Erdkugel.--3. Abt. Die Geographie der Erdkugel.--4. Abt. Die Geographie der Griechen unter dem Einflusse der Römer.
Language: German
Berkeley, George
The Rockefeller University
Berkeley, George. A treatise concerning the principles of human knowledge. : Wherein the chief causes of error and difficulty in the sciences, with the grounds of scepticism, atheism, and irreligion, are inquired into. First printed in the year 1710. To which are added three dialogues between Hylas and Philonous, in opposition to scepticks and atheists. First printed in the year 1713. Both written by George Berkeley, M.A. Fellow of Trinity-College, Dublin, 1734
Subjects: Knowledge, Theory of
Language: English
Berkeley, George
The Rockefeller University
Berkeley, George. Siris: A Chain of Philosophical Reflexions and Inquiries Concerning the Virtues of Tar Water, and Divers Other Subjects Connected Together and Arising One From Another, 1744
Subjects: Alchemy – Early works to 1800
Language: English
Summary: Second London edition of Berkeley’s most popular work, an exposition of the medicinal virtues of tar-water and instructions for its use. Berkeley regarded it as a cure for virtually every ailment, including fevers, cancers, apoplexies, small-pox, and scurvy, and he even set up an apparatus for manufacturing it himself. It was equally beneficial, he maintained, for cattle, and was strongly recommended to improve and sharpen the general health and intellect of infants and young children.
Berzelius, Jöns Jacob
The Rockefeller University
Berzelius, Jöns Jacob. Lehrbuch der Chemie, 1833-1834
Subjects: Chemistry
Notes: In tree volumes
Language: German
Birch, Thomas
The Rockefeller University
Birch, Thomas. The history of the Royal Society of London for improving of natural knowledge: from its first rise. In which the most considerable of those Papers communicated to the Society, which have hitherto not been published, are inserted in their proper order, as a Supplement to the Philosophical Transactions. By Thomas Birch, D.D. Secretary to the Royal Society, 1756-1757
Subjects: Royal Society (Great Britain)
Notes: In four volumes. The first two volumes were published in 1756 and the last two in 1757
Language: English