Most of the books in the Markus Library Rare Book Collection were bequeathed by Alfred Einstein Cohn (1879-1957), emeritus of The Rockefeller Institute, one of the first cardiologists in the U.S., a scholar whose interests encompassed many fields and earned his high regard in the world of culture.
The scope of the collection is broad, encompassing the humanities, medicine, and natural history, including botany, agriculture, and geography.
Dr. Cohn's rare volumes of scientific and medical interest, published in 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries, include some of the major works of many of the great names in the history of medical science, often in the first editions: Celsus, Thomas Bartholinus, G. Borelli, Malpighi, Leuwenhoek, Richard Lower, Mead, and many others.
Dutens, Louis
The Rockefeller University
Dutens, Louis. An inquiry into the origin of the discoveries attributed to the moderns: wherein it is demonstrated that our most celebrated philosophers have, for most part, taken what they advance from the works of the ancients; and that many important truths in religion were known to the pagan sages, 1769
Subject: Science - Early works to 1800
Notes: First edition
Language: English
Faraday, Michael
The Rockefeller University
Faraday, Michael. On the various forces of nature & their relations to each other. A course of lectures delivered before a juvenile audience at the Royal Institution by Michael Faraday, ed. by William Crookes, 1894
Subjects: Physics
Language: English
Fowler, George
The Rockefeller University
Fowler, George. A treatise on surgery, 1906
Subjects: Surgery
Notes: In two volumes
Language: English
Friend, John
The Rockefeller University
Friend, John. The history of physick: from the time of Galen, to the beginning of the sixteenth century. Chiefly with regard to practice. In a discourse written to Doctor Mead. By J. Freind, M.D, 1725
Subjects: Medicine, Ancient
Medicine – Early works to 1800
Notes: In two volumes. Includes 'Vita Gabrielis filii Bachtishnæ, filii Georgii, ex Arabico Latine reddita a Salomone Negri damasceno' at the end of the second volume.
Language: English
Friend, John
The Rockefeller University
Friend, John. Joannis Freind ... Opera omnia medica, 1735
Subjects: Medicine – Early works to 1800
Language: Latin
Gage, Thomas
The Rockefeller University
Gage, Thomas. Nouvelle Relation, contenant les Voyages de Thomas Gage dans la Nouvelle-Espagne, ses diverses aventures et son retour par la province de Nicaragua jusqu'à la Havane, 1699
Subjects: Central America – Description and travel
Notes: In two volumes. First published under title: The English-American, his travail by sea and land (London, 1648). This translation first published Paris, 1676, and previously by Marret in 1695. Sabin mentions Adrien Baillet as a translator, though le sieur Beaulieu Hues O'Neil is credited on the t.p. as Sabin cites it. The section on the Pokonchi language is here omitted.
Language: French
Galilei, Galileo
The Rockefeller University
Galilei, Galileo. Opere di Galileo Galilei linceo nobile fiorentino, Già Lettore delle Matematiche nelle Università di Pisa, e di Padova, di poi Sopraordinario nello Studio di Pisa, 1655-1656
Subjects: Astronomy – Early works to 1800
Notes: First edition of the first collected works of the father of modern physics, edited by Carlo Manolessi. In two volumes
Language: Latin
Galilei, Galileo
The Rockefeller University
Galilei, Galileo. Sydereus nuncius magna, longeque admirabilia spectacula pandens, suspiciendaque proponens unicuique, praesertim vero Philosophis, atque Astronomis, quae a Galileo Galileo patritio Florentino Patauini Gymnasij publico mathematico perspicilli nuper à se reperti beneficio sunt obseruata in lunae facie ...circa Iovis stellam disparibus interuallis, atque periodis ... nuncupandos decrevit, 1656
Subjects: Astronomy – Early works to 1800
Language: Latin
Galilei, Galileo
The Rockefeller University
Galilei, Galileo. Dialogo di Galileo Galilei, Dove nei congressi di quattro giornate si discorre sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo Tolemaico, e Corpernicano;... In questa impressione migliorato ed accresciuto sopra l'esemplare dell'autore stesso, 1744
Subjects: Astronomy – Early works to 1800
Language: Italian
Galileo’s Dialogo is a scientific and philosophical affirmation of the Copernican heliocentric theory over the earth-centered Ptolemaic theory of the solar system. Written in a literary style, Galileo deliberately chose to write this work in vernacular Italian rather than scholarly Latin in order to reach a mass audience. The topic made Galileo a threat to the authority of the Roman Catholic Church. It was this book that brought Galileo before the Inquisition in 1633, where he was forced to recant his views. He was put under permanent house arrest. Dialogo was placed on the Index of the prohibited book where it remained until 1835.
Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Etienne
The Rockefeller University
Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Etienne. Philosophie anatomique, 1818
Subjects: Respiratory organs, Abnormalities, Human
Language: French
Goldsmith, J.
The Rockefeller University
Goldsmith, J.A general view of the manners, customs, and curiosities of the nations; including a geographical description of the earth, the whole illus. by fifty-four maps, and other engravings, 1813
Subjects: Geography- Textbooks
World History
Notes: In two volumes
Language: English
Goldsmith, Oliver
The Rockefeller University
Goldsmith, Oliver. A History of earth and animated nature, 1825
Subjects: Zoology
Physical geography
Notes: In one volume. Embellished with a series of beautiful and appropriate engravings, designed and executed by the first artists
Language: English
Guénée, Antoine
The Rockefeller University
Guénée, Antoine. Lettres de Quelques Juifs Portugais et Allemands, à M. de Voltaire; avec des réflexions critiques, &c. Et un petit commentaire extrait d'un plus grand, 1772
Subjects: France; cultural history - Ideas and movements, before 1800 - Personalities - Voltaire
Notes: 3d edition in two volumes
Language: French
Haeser, Heinrich
The Rockefeller University
Haeser, Heinrich. Lehrbuch der Geschichte der Medicin und der Volkskrankheiten, 1875
Subjects: Medicine - History
Notes: An important German work on the history of medicine
Language: German
Hales, Stephen
The Rockefeller University
Hales, Stephen. Statical essays: containing vegetable staticks; or, an account of some statical experiments on the sap in vegetables, 1731-1733
Subjects: Plant physiology
Notes: In two volumes. Second edition, with amendments
Language: English
Haller von, Albrecht
The Rockefeller University
Haller von, Albrecht. Primae lineae physiologiae, in usum praelectionum academicarum, 1767
Subjects: Physiology
Human anatomy
Language: Latin
Haller von, Albrecht
The Rockefeller University
Haller von, Albrecht. First line of physiology, 1803
Subjects: Physiology
Human anatomy
Notes: First American edition
Language: English
Haller von, Albrecht
The Rockefeller University
Haller von, Albrecht. Deux Memoires sur le mouvement du sang et sur les effets de la saignée: fondes sur des experiences faites sur des Animaux, 1756
Subjects: Medicine – Early works to 1800
Language: Latin
Helmont van, Jan Baptist
The Rockefeller University
Helmont van, Jan Baptist. Ortus medicinae, id est, initia physicae inaudita: progressus medicinae novus, in morborum ultionem, ad vitam longam, 1651
Subjects: Chemistry – Early works to 1800
Language: Latin
Helmont van, Jan Baptist
The Rockefeller University
Helmont van, Jan Baptistn. A ternary of paradoxes: the magnetick cure of wounds, nativity of tartar in wine, image of God in man, 1650
Subjects: Medicine - Early works to 1800
Theological Anthropology
Wounds and injuries
Language: English