Most of the books in the Markus Library Rare Book Collection were bequeathed by Alfred Einstein Cohn (1879-1957), emeritus of The Rockefeller Institute, one of the first cardiologists in the U.S., a scholar whose interests encompassed many fields and earned his high regard in the world of culture.
The scope of the collection is broad, encompassing the humanities, medicine, and natural history, including botany, agriculture, and geography.
Dr. Cohn's rare volumes of scientific and medical interest, published in 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries, include some of the major works of many of the great names in the history of medical science, often in the first editions: Celsus, Thomas Bartholinus, G. Borelli, Malpighi, Leuwenhoek, Richard Lower, Mead, and many others.
Helvétius, Jean Claude Adrien
The Rockefeller University
Helvétius, Jean Claude Adrien. Idée generale de l'oeconomie animale et observations sur la petite verole, 1722
Subjects: Medicine - Early works to 1800
Language: French
Hofmann von, August Wilhelm
The Rockefeller University
Hofmann von, August Wilhelm. Einleitung in die moderne Chemie: nach einer Reihe von Vorträgen gehalten in dem Royal College of chemistry zu London, 1866
Subjects: Chemistry
Language: German
Hooper, Robert
The Rockefeller University
Hooper, Robert. A compendious medical dictionary: containing an explanation of the terms in anatomy, physiology, surgery, materia medica, chemistry, and practice of physic - collected from the most approved authors, 1798
Subject: Medicine - Early works to 1800
Notes: With two final advertisement leaves
Language: English
Huhn, Augustus
The Rockefeller University
Huhn, Augustus. Biblia Hebraica, 1839
Subjects: Bible. -- Old Testament.
Language: Hebrew
A personal gift to Dr. Alfred E. Cohn
Jefferson, Thomas
The Rockefeller University
Jefferson, Thomas. Memoir, Correspondence, And Miscellanies, From The Papers Of Thomas Jefferson. Edited by Thomas Jefferson Randolph. Vol. II and III. 1829
In 4 volumes
Language: English
Josephus, Flavius
The Rockefeller University
Josephus, Flavius. The Works of Flavius Josephus. Translated into English by Sir Roger L'Estrange, Knight, 1709
Subjects: Jews – History
Notes: Second edition
Language: English
La Mettrie de, Julien Offroy
The Rockefeller University
La Mettrie de, Julien Offroy. Traité de la petite vérole: avec la manière de guérir cette maladie: suivant le principes de Mr. Herman Boerhaave, 1740
Subjects: Smallpox - Early works to 1800
Notes: Title vignette; head and tail pieces
Language: French
La Mettrie, Julien Offray de
The Rockefeller University
La Mettrie, Julien Offray de. Ouvrage de Penelope; ou Machiavel en medecine, 1748
In 2 volumes
Subjects: Medicine
Language: French
Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent
The Rockefeller University
Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent. Traité élémentaire de chimie, 1789
Subjects: Chemistry – Early works to 1800
Notes: In 2 volumes
Language: French
Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent
The Rockefeller University
Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent. Elements of chemistry: in a new systematic order, containing all the modern discoveries. Illustrated by thirteen copperplates. By Mr. Lavoisier, Member of the Academies and Societies of Paris, London, Orleans, Bologna, Basil, Philadelphia, Haerlem, Manchester, &c. &c. Translated from the French by Robert Kerr, F.R. & A. SS. Edin. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, and of the Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh, [1799]
Subjects: Chemistry – Early works to 1800
Notes: 4th ed., with notes, tables, and considerable additions
Language: English
Ledermüller, Martin Frobenius
The Rockefeller University
Ledermüller, Martin Frobenius. Amusement microscopique tant pour l'esprit, que pour les yeux : contenant cinquante estampes dessinées d'après nature et enluminées, avec leurs explications, 1766
Subjects: Natural History - Early works to 1800
Language: French
Leeuwenhoek, Antoni van
The Rockefeller University
Leeuwenhoek, Antoni van. Antonii a Leeuwenhoek ... Epistolæ ad Societatem Regiam Anglicam, et alios illustres viros, 1719
Subjects: Natural history – To 1735
Physiology – To 1800
Microscopy – Early works to 1800
Notes: Binder's title of the spine: Leeuwenhoek Opera Omnia. pars 3
Language: Latin
Le Gallois, Julien Jean César
The Rockefeller University
Le Gallois, Julien Jean César. Experiments on the principle of life: and particularly on the principle of the motions of the heart, and on the seat of this principle: including the report made to the first class of the Institute, upon the experiments relative to the motions of the heart, 1813
Subjects: Life (Biology)
Heart, Vitalism
Notes: Originally published in Paris in 1812 under the title: Expériences sur le principe de la vie. Translated by N.C. and J.G. Nancrede
Language: English
Leonardo da Vinci
The Rockefeller University
Leonardo da Vinci. I manoscritti di Leonardo da Vinci della Reale biblioteca di Windsor. Dell'anatomia, fogli B, pubblicati da Teodoro Sabachnikoff. Trascritti ed annotati da Giovanni Piumati. Con traduzione in lingua francese, 1901
Subjects: Human anatomy – Early works to 1800
Manuscript, Italian - Facsimiles
Note: Text of "Dell'anatomia" with French translation beneath. Plates have guard sheets with descriptive letterpress and numbered outlines of the figures on the accompanying plate. Half title-page. Facsimile edition. Includes index.
Language: Italian
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim
The Rockefeller University
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim. Laokoon: oder über die Grenzen der Malerei und Poesie, 1766
Subjects: Poetry – Early works to 1800
Notes: 1st edition
Language: German
L'Hôpital de, Guillaume
The Rockefeller University
L'Hôpital de, Guillaume. Traité analytique des sections coniques et de leur usage pour la resolution des equations dans les problemes tant déterminez qu'indéterminez, 1707
Subjects: Mathematica - History
Language: French
Linne von, Carl
The Rockefeller University
Linne von, Carl. Fauna Svecica, 1746
Subjects: Zoology - Bibliography
Language: Latin
Format: Book
Summary: Fundamental works on flora and fauna of Sweden by the founder of the binomial system of nomenclature and the hierarchical system of classification. The Flora Svecica appeared in two simultaneous issues, both printed by Salvii at Stockholm, but one with a Stockholm imprint, and the other with a Leiden imprint.
The Rockefeller University
Livy. The Roman history: written in Latine by Titus Livius with the supplements of the learned John Freinshemius and John Dujatius. From the foundation of Rome to the middle of the reign of Augustus. Faithfully done in English, 1686
Subjects: Rome – History – Republic, 510-30 B.C.
Notes: Important and scarce early English translation of Livy’s History of Rome updated form Holland’s translation published in 1600.
Language: English
Locke, John
The Rockefeller University
Locke, John. An essay concerning humane understanding: in four books, 1694
Subjects: Knowledge, Theory of - Early works to 1800
Notes: Includes an index
Language: English
Lower, Richard
The Rockefeller University
Lower, Richard. Tractatus de corde, item De motu & colore sanguinis, & chyli in eum transitu. Cui accessit dissertatio de origine catarrhi, in qua ostenditur illum non provenire à cerebro, 1671
Subjects: Heart
Notes: Incomplete. Lacks 4 of 6 plates
Language: Latin