Weiss, P. The science of life: the living system--a system for living


Weiss, P. The science of life: the living system--a system for living



Paul Weiss. The science of life: the living system--a system for living

Provocative yet realistic, The Science of Life concisely establishes the scientific rationale of civilized man’s obligation to strive for a balanced perspective in which ideological extremes are recognized for what they are: artificially disconnected opposite ends of continuous scales of intergrading values, fortified in antagonistic isolation by verbal symbolism and the instinctual vestiges of man’s biological past.

The author, one of the world’s most distinguished experimental and theoretical biologists, reconciles putatively incompatible alternatives – holism and reductionism, field dynamics and particulate autonomy, etc. – to illustrate the larger task of man – that of developing a workable and balanced perspective. Although he leaves the implementation of this task to education itself, he does state clearly and incisively what must be done: the course of education must be changed from fragmented and dispersive dealings to a systematic concerted convergence upon the core problem of education – to aid human individuals in developing their native potential to the fullest.



Publication Date



Futura Pub. Co.


Mount Kisco, N.Y.


biology, philosophy, education


The Rockefeller University Library Level B QH 331 W432 1973

The Rockefeller University Library President's Office OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT

Weiss, P. The science of life: the living system--a system for living
