Spector, L. Covalent catalysis by enzymes
Leonard B. Spector. Covalent catalysis by enzymes
As long as enzymes continue to catalyze, the analytical chemist will use them as components of a sensitive, highly selective, analytically useful reaction. For him, the details of the mechanistic aspects of enzyme catalysis are usually of secondary importance to the occurrence of the catalyzed reaction. Yet the advance of science, including analytical chemistry, ultimately depends on an understanding of all aspects of a subject, and this book provides an unconventional look at the mechanisms of enzyme catalysis. Its thesis is that enzymes, like many other catalysts, function by removing a molecular fragment from a substrate (reactant) to form a compound between that fragment and the enzyme. That fragment is subsequently transferred to a second reactant.
This contrasts with the popular view that the enzyme merely provides a favorable configuration and environment for direct transfer of the fragment between reactants. This “covalent” mechanism is supported by information concerning 465 enzymes, which contrast with a complete lack of information in favor of the “popular” interpretation. To the non-biochemist, at least, the arguments seem very persuasive and do not need the extra lessons in logic, which the author throws in for good measure. The book itself is well prepared and produced, with an abundance of formulas and references, and with a combined author and subject index.
Publication Date
New York
catalysis, enzymes
Recommended Citation
The Rockefeller University, "Spector, L. Covalent catalysis by enzymes" (1982). RU Authors. 164.
The Rockefeller University Library 3rd Floor Special Collections QU 135 S741 1982
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