Pfaff, D. /Editor Hormones, brain and behavior
Donald W. Pfaff, Arthur Arnold, Anne M. Etgen, Susan E. Fahrbach, Robert T. Rubin/editors. Hormones, brain and behavior
2nd edition
Hormones, Brain and Behavior is a comprehensive work discussing the effect of hormones on the brain and, subsequently, behavior. This major reference work of more than 100 chapters covering a broad range of topics with an extensive discussion of the effects of hormones on insects, fish, amphibians, birds, rodents, and humans. To truly understand all aspects of our behavior, we must take every influence (including the hormonal influences) into consideration. Donald Pfaff and a number of well-qualified editors examine and discuss how we are influenced by hormonal factors, offering insight, and information on the lives of a variety of species.
Hormones, Brain and Behavior offers the reader broad coverage of the growing field of research, with a state-of-the-art overview on hormonally-mediated behaviors. This reference provides unique treatment of all major vertebrate and invertebrate model systems with excellent opportunities for relating behavior to molecular genetics. The topic covers an unusual breadth (from molecules to ecophysiology), ranging from basic science to clinical research, making this reference of interest to a broad range of scientists in a variety of fields.
Publication Date
Academic Press
San Diego, Calif.
endocrinology, vertebrates, sex differntiation, neuroendocrinology
Recommended Citation
The Rockefeller University, "Pfaff, D. /Editor Hormones, brain and behavior" (2002). RU Authors. 148.
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