
Creation Date
Sidney Udenfriend in 1967
Sidney Udenfriend (1918-1999) was an American biochemist, pharmacologist, founding director of the Roche Institute of Molecular Biology, co-discoverer of a color test to detect an intestinal tumor often linked with diseased heart valves.
"Upon my return, I spent one year working in the laboratory of Sidney Udenfriend at the NIH following which I became director of the Department of Biochemistry at the Geigy Research Laboratories. My prime motivation for going to Geigy was the prospect of applying basic scientific principles to the development of new drugs for the treatment of neurological and psychiatric disorders. Unfortunately, at that time, Geigy, like most, if not all, other pharmaceutical companies, was very conservative with regard to the nature of the research programs which they found acceptable. It was extremely difficult to obtain authorization to embark on innovative research approaches. In 1967, I left Geigy." - Paul Greengard, Biographical