The Cultivation of Viruses and Rickettsiae in the Chick Embryo
Beveridge, W. I. B. and Burnet, F.M. The Cultivation of Viruses and Rickettsiae in the Chick Embryo, 1946
As a result of the pioneer studies of Goodpasture in America and Burnet in Australia, the virus-worker can now effectively use the developing egg in a number of different ways: besides following the original technique of inoculation on to the chorioallantoic membrane, he may, by suitably varying his procedure, inoculate into the amniotic or allantoic cavities, into the yolk sac, into the veins of the membranes or even into the* brain or other parts of the embryo itself. ... Fertile eggs have been found to give much greater yields of some viruses than are obtainable otherwise, and they are thus a very good source of material for vaccines. WILLIAM IAN BEARDMORE BEVERIDGE (1908 - 2006) was an Australian animal pathologist and director of the Institute of Animal Pathology, University of Cambridge. In 1937 Beveridge was awarded a Commonwealth Fellowship and went with his first wife, Patricia, and infant son John, to work in the Rockefeller Institute in Princeton, studying swine influenza virus, on which he worked with Richard Shope. They showed that it was serologically identical with the agent that caused the 1918-19 flu pandemic. SIR FRANK MACFARLANE BURNET (1899 - 1985) was an Australian virologist best known for his contributions to immunology. He won a Nobel Prize in 1960 for predicting acquired immune tolerance and was best known for developing the theory of clonal selection. Burnet's major achievements in microbiology included discovering the causative agents of Q-fever and psittacosis; developing assays for the isolation, culture and detection of influenza virus; describing the recombination of influenza strains; demonstrating that the myxomatosis virus does not cause disease in humans. Modern methods for producing influenza vaccines are still based on Burnet's work improving virus growing processes in hen's eggs.
Publication Date
His Majesty's Stationary Office
Recommended Citation
Beveridge, W.I. B. and Burnet, F. M., "The Cultivation of Viruses and Rickettsiae in the Chick Embryo" (1946). Pamphlets, Offprints and Reprints. 54.