Cognition and Categorization
Cognition and categorization /edited by Rosch, E. and Lloyd, B., 1978
The papers in this book derive from a 1976 meeting sponsored by the Social Science Research Council to discuss the nature and principles of category formation. Part I contains 3 discussions of real-world categories, assuming that the people creating and using the systems can judge similarities between stimuli, perceive and process the attributes of a stimulus, and learn. Part II contains discussions of these 3 abilities, presenting a new theoretical approach to similarity, in which objects are viewed as collections of features, and similarity as a feature-matching process. This theory predicts (a) basic levels of abstraction where the ratio of common to distinctive features is maximized and (b) the existence of reference items or category prototypes by which other items are judged. Part III studies concepts of representation that are basic to the previous discussions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved)
Publication Date
L. Erlbaum Associates; distributed by Halsted Press
Hillsdale, N.J.
Recommended Citation
Rosch, Eleanor and Lloyd, Barbara B., "Cognition and Categorization" (1978). Jason W. Brown Library. 97.