
Creation Date
Hao Wang, circa 1980s. Photo credit: unknown
Years at The Rockefeller University: 1966-1991
Hao Wang (1921-1995) was a Chinese-American logician, philosopher, mathematician, and commentator on Kurt Gödel. One of Wang's most important contributions was the Wang tile.He showed that any Turing machine can be turned into a set of Wang tiles. A philosopher in his own right, Wang also developed a penetrating interpretation of Ludwig Wittgenstein's later philosophy of mathematics, which he called "anthropologism." He chronicled Kurt Gödel's philosophical ideas and authored several books on the subject, thereby providing contemporary scholars with many insights elucidating Gödel's later philosophical thought.
See also Hao Wang as Philosopher and Interpreter of Gödel and Interview with Hao Wang and Robin Gandy
Hao Wang, mathematician, logic