The mechanism of the Diffusion of Electrolytes Through the Membranes of Living Cells
Jacques Loeb. The mechanism of the diffusion of electrolytes through the membranes of living cells
I. The necessity of a general salt effect upon the membrane as a prerequisite for this diffusion
II . The diffusion of KC1 out of the egg of Fundulus and the relative efficiency of different ions for the salt effect
III . The analogy of the mechanism of the diffusion for acids and potassium salts
Reprinted from J. Biol. Chem., 1916, xxvii, 339-375
Publication Date
Jacques Loeb, Fundulus, potassium salts, diffusion
Recommended Citation
Loeb, Jacques, "The mechanism of the Diffusion of Electrolytes Through the Membranes of Living Cells" (1916). Collection of Reprints by Jacques Loeb. 59.